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Lust Have interview
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Based in Boston, we are taking a sneak peak at the launch of Model and Maker by creator Amy Friel. Amy is the creator of The Tall Teacher and is preparing to re-brand her online presence. We are excited to watch the process, but first a few thoughts from the creator.
Lust Have: What inspired you to start blogging?
Amy: I started my blog at the end of college when I was student teaching (my major was Art Education). I had a hard time finding work looks that I liked, they were too conservative and didn't fit my aesthetic, so I decided to experiment and post about my own style.
LH: In one sentence, how would you describe the purpose of your blog to a potential new follower?
A: The purpose of my blog is to provide creative style inspiration that encourages my followers to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.
LH: Who is your number one fashion inspiration and why?
A: This is tough, and to be honest I'm inspired by everything. I lived in New York and worked in Soho this summer and was infatuated by the street style there. The way people dress in each city is so unique to the city and their day to day lives. Every person dresses true to who they are, and that really inspires me.
LH: What are some of your current style obsessions?
A: **If Style Obsession is for People: My current style obsessions are Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid. I love their relaxed, but edgy off duty model style. When it comes to style, I love to look at taller women's street style, and as model's they're style is documented a lot!
**If Style Obsession is for Clothing: My current and constant style obsessions are denim and leather. I feel like I'm always in one of the two. I am in love with how brands are reinventing denim!
LH: What are your predictions for the next big style trend?
A: This is a great question! I just read this article in Harpers Bazaar where Sabrina Alberello from Aya Muse said, "Fashion moves so fast that we have reached a point where everything is a trend." I totally agree with this. I think people are dressing more to express their personal style than keeping up with trends. My near and dear style obsessions are, and always will be denim and leather, they're so versatile and I find myself always wearing them.
LH: Tell us about a typical day working on your blog.
A: My routine varies, and revolves around what I feel like working on that day. I typically work with the most recent photos I've taken, or events that I have attended, and write about them. But, if I'm lucky I usually have a shoot lined up. I try to shoot as much as possible, so my day usually revolves around photography. I start by planning looks and the themes for future shoots (I also do creative directing and styling). Then, if I'm shooting that day, I pack all of the looks and meet up with a photographer. I just did a shoot the other evening and it turned out really cool! We played with dramatic lighting and a dark background...its coming to the blog soon.
LH: What changes have you noticed in your life after starting your blog?
A: Blogging has definitely brought out some traits, and refined others. It has made me more organized, better at time management, encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone, and brought out the inner go-getter in me. As a blogger, it's really important to be passionate about what you do and that means going the extra mile. It's also important to meet people, be consistent with posts and have interesting content. I try to connect and network with others as much as possible. It can be intimidating going to events alone, but every time I go, I always have a blast!
LH: There are always challenges associated with success. Are there any barriers you have encountered that have or are currently preventing you from hitting any blog milestones?
A: I think that I am my biggest barrier. As a blogger and user of social media, I struggle with comparing myself to others, and getting bogged down with that. I know a lot of other bloggers struggle with this too. But I remind myself of this quote by Theodore Roosevelt, "Comparison is the thief of joy". It's one of my favorite quotes and reminds me to focus on myself and my potential.
LH: Speaking of which, what is your next big milestone for your digital diary?
A: My next milestone is actually launching my new blog. The concept is much more true to who I am, and reflects my experiences. I have a few exciting projects coming up too!
LH: Who is your favorite photographer for your shoots?
A: I actually love working with all different creatives because each person brings their own personality and perspective to a shoot. But looking back, I really loved working with Katie Mack Photography because I felt like her and I were always on the same page. It doesn't hurt that we also went to college together and were in the same photography class!
LH: What is the toughest lesson you have learned so far from the world of fashion blogging?
A: Ooh, this is a good one. I think the toughest lesson I've learned is that you need to give blogging your all and always make time for it. It's like a job, and the work you put in over time correlates to the results that you will get.
LH: Any final thoughts or advice for those that would like to follow in your footsteps?
A: I think that if you're passionate about it, and really want to do it, go for it! But before you launch your blog, make sure that you have a unique concept that excites you. If you're willing to give it your all and be patient, it will pay off.
Thanks for visiting with us Amy! Be sure to follow along with Amy on the Lust Have app at @AmyFriel